«Think Tank» Europe-Mexique.

«Think Tank» Europe-Mexique.
*2008 Création, par Morgane BRAVO France Alumni 🇲🇽🇫🇷(IIAP/ENA), President I Founder of «Think Tank» Europe-Mexico. (Binational) *Avocat de formation, études & expérience Diplomatique, Sciences Politiques... 2002 en France, Candidate (Titulaire) aux élections Législatives, dans la 14ème Circonscription de Paris. 16ème arrondissement. « Euroblogger » UE, Commission Européenne, Conseil Européen, Parlement Européen, Conseil de l'Europe, CoR, EuroPcom... *Morgane BRAVO, from Paris, France. She's graduate Lawyer and have a Master’s degree in Diplomacy & Political Science...Diplomatic experience.

domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012


95a. Jornada Informativa del IME: Vínculos con la Diáspora Calificada,
la Red de Talentos Mexicanos en el Exterior
Ciudad de México, del 28 al 31 de agosto de 2012

La estrategia del gobierno de México para la atención de su diáspora 

Intervention de :
Javier Díaz de León, Director Ejecutivo del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME)
Lien : http://www.redtalentos.gob.mx/images/stories/ime_j95.pdf


Bien à vous,
 Red de Talentos Mexicanos en el Exterior 
Capítulo Francia 
Responsable Antena Paris &
Responsable del sector estratégico de Ciencias Sociales a nivel Europeo

1 comentario:

Dr. Alberto Correa dijo...

Thank you Morgane for publishing on the activities Mexicans Abroad Institute does for the mexicans abroad. It is important that people know how many mexicans had left the country (33 millons up to the third generation in the US and Canada) looking for improving their living conditions. Out of them, 800,000 are highly qualified, that is the reallity about the "Brain Drain" Bur even when the Network of Talents Initiative was set up six years ago, no policies have been implemented to take advantage fo such ammount of Mexicans, when many of them, me included, are interested in collaborating to accelerate mexico's irruption into the international knowledge economy.