5th OECD World Forum on Statistics, Knowledge, and Policy: Transforming Policy.
13-15 October 2015 in Guadalajara. Mexico.
@Morgane Bravo,
Présidente et Fondatrice de l'Association «Think Tank» Europe-Mexique,
a participé.
El #OECD5WF fué realizado por vez primera en Latinoamérica, en la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco. México.
The OECD World Forums on Statistics, Knowledge and Policy were launched over a decade ago to bring more attention to the need for better measures and policies for well-being and progress.
This 5th OECD World Forum aims to address the question of
"How do we best put into practice new well-being measures to improve public policies and people’s lives?" by showcasing concrete examples of the impact of policies, frameworks and institutions that are using new well-being measures around the world.
The Forum will also explore how this accumulated experience can contribute to country-level action in the pursuit of a new set of universal Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are now being discussed in the UN setting. The Forum is co-organised with INEGI, the Mexican National Statistical Institute, which has been at the forefront of experimentation and development of new statistical measures of well-being.
*Previous OECD World Forums:
New Delhi, India, 16-19 October 2012 - 4th OECD World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy"
Busan, Korea, 27-30 October 2009 - 3rd OECD World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy"
Istanbul, Turkey, 27-30 June 2007 - 2nd OECD World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy"
Palermo, Italy, 10-13 November 2004 - 1st OECD World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy"
*Plenary 5thOECD WorldForum : Guadalajara*
Plenary: Inaugural Session
*Morgane BRAVO, President and Founder of the Association "Think Tank» Europe Mexico, participated.
Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Eduardo Sojo, President of the Mexican National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)
Aristóteles Sandoval, Governor of the State of Jalisco, Mexico.
Enrique Alfaro, President of Guadalajara.
Cena de Gala en "Hospicio Cabañas"
Discurso de @AristotelesSD Gobernador de Jalisco. @A_Gurria , DG OCDE.
Velada Cultural en "Teatro Degollado".
*Forum conclusions
*Felicitaciones a la OCDE, por la excelente organización...Un éxito!*
#Guadalajara #OCDE

🔴2e jour! intervention de @JosephEStiglitz Prix Nobel Économie #Guadalajara #OECD5WF
"Prosperity is more than income & consumption... health, education, security, opportunity. @JosephEStiglitz " Prix Nobel Économie #OECD5WF
3e jour #OECD5WF Mesa Redonda : Bienestar de personas dentro limites
del Planeta.
Francois Bourguignon "S'attaquer aux inégalités ne devrait pas être just impôt/bien-être".. #OECD5WF
@JoseAMeadeK says that #NobelPrize winner Angus Deaton's work helps to understand poverty. #OECD5WF

🔴2e jour! intervention de @JosephEStiglitz Prix Nobel Économie #Guadalajara #OECD5WF
"Prosperity is more than income & consumption... health, education, security, opportunity. @JosephEStiglitz " Prix Nobel Économie #OECD5WF
3e jour #OECD5WF Mesa Redonda : Bienestar de personas dentro limites
del Planeta.
Francois Bourguignon "S'attaquer aux inégalités ne devrait pas être just impôt/bien-être".. #OECD5WF
@JoseAMeadeK says that #NobelPrize winner Angus Deaton's work helps to understand poverty. #OECD5WF
Cena de Gala en "Hospicio Cabañas"
Discurso de @AristotelesSD Gobernador de Jalisco. @A_Gurria , DG OCDE.
Velada Cultural en "Teatro Degollado".
*Forum conclusions
Eduardo Sojo, President, INEGI
Martine Durand, Chief Statistician and Director, Statistics Directorate,OECD.
*Felicitaciones a la OCDE, por la excelente organización...Un éxito!*
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