miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

*Gilles Lipovetsky : Senado de Mexico...

Gilles Lipovetsky ofrece conferencia magistral en el Senado de la República.

"El filósofo francés Gilles Lipovetsky afirmó que la responsabilidad de los ciudadanos, docentes y actores políticos es luchar contra el individualismo irresponsable y dotar a la gente e instituciones del Estado de un andamiaje ético frente al mundo híper moderno que hoy vivimos."

*Félicitations...Conferencia sumamente interesante y de actualidad...!*

«Think Tank» Européen "Mexique",
siège à Paris.
Twitter : @EuropeMex
Best regards,

lunes, 21 de julio de 2014

*BusinessSeminars : MigrantCommunities&Entrepreneurs*NZ

Business Seminars for Migrant Communities & Entrepreneurs.
8th, July 2014 
University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand.

Crédit Photos©RTM/NZ

The objective of these talks is to empower migrant entrepreneurs and local businesses in Christchurch, to get together and network to further co-develop the migrant communities business ventures. 

"This event was successfully achieved with the help of participant organizations, Canterbury University and local community groups. This event promoted the networking,  information and contacts needed to further develop the social structures so we can generate bigger projects all together.  This event was a response  to the need for an improved organization between community groups working for the betterment of Christchurch, actively involved on the re-build of our city and communities

This seminars were aimed at the entrepreneurs among the minorities migrant communities here in Christchurch. The objective of this series of talks was to generate a space for business ideas  to grow, to empower migrant entrepreneurs to organize themselves into co-operatives, trusts and/or independently to develop their micro-businesses projects and start-ups. Aiming at commercialising fair-trade, locally produced and other goods from their home countries within New Zealand. Helping with this the further development of the city centre re-build while continuing to attract  investments into the city."



(ROXANA BRAVO)                                How to do business with Mexico? 


(SONIA TAYLOR )                                  Import/export logistics support! How an international business trade organization works? 


(GREG MUSSON)                                  What’s  the roll of the Latin American – New Zealand Business  Council on regional trade promotion? 


(JACQUI FRANCIS)                                Overview of the regulations and processes for importing goods to  New Zealand. 


(JULLIE ANDERSON)                             How to open a new company and what are he types of possible business structures? 


(DANIEL SEELEN)                                  Overview of tax and financial regulations for small businesses


(TAZ MUKOROMBINDO)                       Christchurch International Market Hub Project – updates


(RICHARD_ADAMS)                           What are the requirements for business loans and other financial  support from a banking institution?


(S.C. MORRIS)                                       Marketing strategies on how to promote your business! 


( JANA SLADKA )                                  Can entrepreneurship be taught?   DIY- Entrepreneurship!

The Latin America New Zealand Business Council
Meeting with ANZMEX

"One immediate output of the ProMexico events was the opportunity they presented to deepen links with an organisation the Council is an honorary member of: ANZMEX, the Australia, New Zealand & Mexico Business Council. ANZMEX is a trilateral business platform with offices in Mexico and Melbourne that provides a forum and support services to explore and promote collaboration between Australia, New Zealand and Mexico. President in Australia, Victor del Rio. It is led in Mexico by its proactive President Adrienne Bonwick, and now has two representatives in New Zealand: Roxana Bravo (in Auckland) and Pablo Lepe (in Christchurch). We look forward to helping each other out over the coming years..."
LINK : http://www.lanzbc.co.nz/images/stories/Big%20PDFs/LANZBC%20Newsletter%20June%202014.pdf

Intervention :
by Roxana BRAVO (@RoxanaBravoC)
ANZMEX (in Auckland), 

What the roll of ANZMEX / PROMEXICO AND BANCOMEXT professional and personal experiences on international business trade... 

Roxana BRAVO, ANZMEX (in Auckland). Pablo LEPE, ANZMEX (in Christchurch).

Roxana BRAVO (ultima:derecha).

* "Almost 40 participants registered for this all day seminars organized by Mexican Global Network (MGN),  Canterbury Business Association (CBA) and Christchurch Migrant Centre and the kind donation of ANZMEX – New Zealand as one of the sponsors of this event. This was a charitable event, there no funds were available to cover the travel or any costs for the speakers or guests. The Global Mexican Community Network,  http://www.mexicoglobalnetwork-nz.org/ chapter New Zealand, a not for profit organization that seeks to develop various community projects in different areas, liased this event with the University, Embassy of Mexico and other guests and community leaders." 

*Interview with Roxana Bravo: The perspectives of Mexican-Australians...*
LINK : http://mexicoworldwide.blogspot.fr/2013/05/interview-with-roxana-bravo.html 

*Félicitations au Chapitre RTM NZ...A SUIVRE!

"Think Tank" European "Mexico", 
headquarters in Paris.

*Twitter : @EuropeMex  *PageFacebook https://www.facebook.com/EuropeMexique 
*Communauté Google+ :https://plus.google.com/communities/105573939584018374529
*Blog : http://mexicoworldwide.blogspot.fr

Best regards,