jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

*Is Mexico the Comeback Kid?*

Is Mexico the Comeback Kid?


"Visiting Mexico this past week reminded me of one of my favorite quotes from my days in Beirut. It was when a hostess asked her dinner guests during the Lebanese civil war: “Would you like to eat now or wait for the cease-fire?” One of the lessons of both Mexico and Lebanon is how irrepressible is the human spirit — that no matter how violent a country becomes, people will adapt and take risks to innovate or to make profits or get to school or to just have fun.
That is a key reason that Mexico is making something of a comeback these days. Whether it will make it back in a sustainable way is unclear. Mexico still has huge problems: stifling monopolies in energy, telecom and media; a weak K-12 education system; violent cartels; and a corrupt police and judiciary. Together, they will keep a lid on Mexico’s prospects if they’re not addressed, the human spirit notwithstanding.
That said, it’s useful to look at what Mexico has gotten right, despite its problems. The first two had to do with actions by the government — improved higher education and macroeconomic policy. The third happened naturally. It’s when a critical mass of youth “just don’t get the word” — they don’t get the word that the government is a mess or that China is going to eat their lunch or that the streets are too dangerous. Instead, they take advantage of how the Internet and globalization promote individual empowerment and opportunities to start stuff and collaborate on stuff really cheaply — and they just do it. Let’s look at all three.
According to the Inter-American Development Bank: Despite Mexico’s weakness in K-12 education, in the past 10 years, Mexico doubled its number of public education institutions at the postsecondary level, and many are dedicated to science and technology. It now graduates many more engineers. On Sept. 19, The Financial Times reported that “according to Unesco, the number of engineers, architects and others in disciplines related to manufacturing graduating from Mexican universities has risen from almost 0.4 per 1,000 people in 1999 to more than 0.8 today. ... The number for the U.S. over the same period has remained roughly flat at 0.6 per 1,000.” That is a reason that Mexico in 2012 became one of the largest exporters of information technology services in the world, approaching the likes of India, the Philippines and China.
As for economics, Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, summed it up in a Nov. 2 speech, when he said of Mexico: “Between 1975 and 2000, there was one crisis after another: in 1976, 1982, 1985-88 and 1994.” But thanks to a series of monetary and fiscal reforms, Fisher argued, the Mexican economy’s vital signs look a lot healthier. “The U.S. deficit is 7 percent of gross domestic product,” said Fisher. “Mexico’s deficit is about 2 percent of their G.D.P.” Meanwhile, he added, America “is growing slowly, weighed down by debt and the pervasive uncertainty caused by our nation’s fiscal imbalances and growing regulatory complexity. Mexico, in contrast, is growing robustly, and, in contrast to their Washington counterparts, Mexican policy makers are demonstrating remarkable commitment to fiscal discipline.”
As for Mexico’s “just do it” generation, I’d put it this way: Monterrey has tens of thousands of poor living in shantytowns. They’ve been there for decades. What is new, though, is that this city, Mexico’s Silicon Valley, now also has a critical mass of young, confident innovators trying to solve Mexico’s problems, by leveraging technology and globalization. 
I met a few of them: There was Raúl Maldonado, founder of Enova, which has created an after-school program of blended learning — teacher plus Internet — to teach math and reading to poor kids and computer literacy to adults. “We’ve graduated 80,000 people in the last three years,” he told me. “We plan to start 700 centers in the next three years and reach six million people in the next five.” There was Patricio Zambrano from Alivio Capital who has created a network of dental, optical and hearing aid clinics to provide low-cost alternatives for all three, plus loans for hospital care for people without insurance. There was Andres Muñoz Jr. from Energryn, who demonstrated his solar hot-water heater that also purified water and could cook meat. There was the administrator from Cedim, a start-up university offering a “master’s in business innovation.” And there was Arturo Galván, founder of Naranya, a mobile Internet company that offers a range of services, including micropayments for consumers at the bottom of the pyramid.
“We’ve all been here for many years, but I think that the confidence is starting to happen,” said Galván. “You start to see the role models who started from zero and are now going public. We are pretty creative. We had to face a lot of challenges,” As a result, he added, “we are strong now, we believe, and the innovation ecosystem is happening.”
Naranya is based on the Spanish word for “orange,” or naranja. Why that name? I asked Galván. “ ‘Apple’ was already taken,” he said."

*How Mexico Got Back in the Game...*


Bien à vous,

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

*How Mexico Got Back in the Game...*

Mexico is attracting more global investment in autos, aerospace and household goods. General Electric has an office in Querétaro.

"IN India, people ask you about China, and, in China, people ask you about India: Which country will become the more dominant economic power in the 21st century? I now have the answer: Mexico.
Impossible, you say? Well, yes, Mexico with only about 110 million people could never rival China or India in total economic clout. But here’s what I’ve learned from this visit to Mexico’s industrial/innovation center in Monterrey. Everything you’ve read about Mexico is true: drug cartels, crime syndicates, government corruption and weak rule of law hobble the nation. But that’s half the story. The reality is that Mexico today is more like a crazy blend of the movies “No Country for Old Men” and “The Social Network.”
Something happened here. It’s as if Mexicans subconsciously decided that their drug-related violence is a condition to be lived with and combated but not something to define them any longer. Mexico has signed 44 free trade agreements — more than any country in the world — which, according to The Financial Times, is more than twice as many as China and four times more than Brazil. Mexico has also greatly increased the number of engineers and skilled laborers graduating from its schools. Put all that together with massive cheap natural gas finds, and rising wage and transportation costs in China, and it is no surprise that Mexico now is taking manufacturing market share back from Asia and attracting more global investment than ever in autos, aerospace and household goods.
“Today, Mexico exports more manufactured products than the rest of Latin America put together,” The Financial Times reported on Sept. 19, 2012. “Chrysler, for example, is usingMexico as a base to supply some of its Fiat 500s to the Chinese market.” What struck me most here in Monterrey, though, is the number of tech start-ups that are emerging from Mexico’s young population — 50 percent of the country is under 29 — thanks to cheap, open source innovation tools and cloud computing.
“Mexico did not waste its crisis,” remarked Patrick Kane Zambrano, director of the Center for Citizen Integration, referring to the fact that when Mexican companies lost out to China in the 1990s, they had no choice but to get more productive. Zambrano’s Web site embodies the youthful zest here for using technology to both innovate and stimulate social activism. The center aggregates Twitter messages from citizens about everything from broken streetlights to “situations of risk” and plots them in real-time on a phone app map of Monterrey that warns residents what streets to avoid, alerts the police to shootings and counts in days or hours how quickly public officials fix the problems.
“It sets pressure points to force change,” the center’s president, Bernardo Bichara, told me. “Once a citizen feels he is not powerless, he can aspire for more change. ... First, the Web democratized commerce, and then it democratized media, and now it is democratizing democracy.”
If Secretary of State John Kerry is looking for a new agenda, he might want to focus on forging closer integration with Mexico rather than beating his head against the rocks of Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan or Syria. Better integration of Mexico’s manufacturing and innovation prowess into America’s is a win-win. It makes U.S. companies more profitable and competitive, so they can expand at home and abroad, and it gives Mexicans a reason to stay home and reduces violence. We do $1.5 billion a day in trade with Mexico, and have been spending $300 million a day in Afghanistan. Not smart.
We need a more nuanced view of Mexico. While touring the Center for Agrobiotechnology at Monterrey Tech, Mexico’s M.I.T., its director, Guy Cardineau, an American scientist from Arizona, remarked to me that, in 2011, “my son-in-law returned from a tour of duty in Afghanistan and we talked about having him come down and visit for Christmas. But he told me the U.S. military said he couldn’t come because of the [State Department] travel advisory here. I thought that was very ironic.”
Especially when U.S. companies are expanding here, which is one reason Mexico grew last year at 3.9 percent, and foreign direct investment in Monterrey hit record highs.
“Twenty years ago, most Mexican companies were not global,” explained Blanca Treviño, the president and founder of Softtek, one of Mexico’s leading I.T. service providers. They focused on the domestic market and cheap labor for the U.S. “Today, we understand that we have to compete globally” and that means “becoming efficient. We have a [software] development center in Wuxi, China. But we are more efficient now in doing the same business from our center in Aguascalientes, [Mexico], than we are from our center in Wuxi.”
Mexico still has huge governance problems to fix, but what’s interesting is that, after 15 years of political paralysis, Mexico’s three major political parties have just signed “a grand bargain,” a k a “Pact for Mexico,” under the new president, Enrique Peña Nieto, to work together to fight the big energy, telecom and teacher monopolies that have held Mexico back. If they succeed, maybe Mexico will teach us something about democracy. Mexicans have started to wonder about America lately, said Bichara from the Center for Citizen Integration. “We always thought we should have our parties behave like the United States’ — no longer. We always thought we should have the government work like the United States’ — no longer.”

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: February 24, 2013
An earlier version of this column misstated the amount the United States has been spending in Afghanistan. It is $300 million a day, not $1 billion a day". http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/24/opinion/sunday/friedman-how-mexico-got-back-in-the-game.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0

domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013


"Del 20 al 22 de febrero de 2013, el Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) celebró, en la Ciudad de México, su Reunión Anual de Planeación y Evaluación. Participaron 57 Encargados de Asuntos Comunitarios de las Embajadas y Consulados de América del Norte.

Durante el evento, el Subsecretario para América del Norte, Sergio Alcocer, destacó la importancia del trabajo con las comunidades mexicanas en el exterior en cada circunscripción consular, particularmente en el contexto del debate en el sistema político estadounidense de una eventual reforma migratoria.

El Director del IME, Arnulfo Valdivia, subrayó que el décimo aniversario de la creación del Instituto constituye una excelente oportunidad para evaluar los programas que coordina el IME, y así fortalecer y replicar los más exitosos. Subrayó también que el trabajo estrecho con socios comunitarios es y será indispensable.

En el marco de la reunión, los Encargados de Asuntos Comunitarios tuvieron la oportunidad de intercambiar experiencias y opiniones con representantes del Instituto, dependencias federales y organismos encargados de la ejecución de los programas destinados a los mexicanos en el exterior. Se analizaron los programas de educación como IME-Becas, las Ventanillas de Salud, las remesas productivas y empresariales, y la red de talentos mexicanos.

Finalmente, se establecieron líneas de acción encaminadas a fortalecer la coordinación con los Consejeros del Consejo Consultivo del IME. Las recomendaciones que éstos formulan redundan en políticas públicas que benefician a los mexicanos en el exterior".


Bien à vous,
Morgane BRAVO

*Dr. Arnulfo Valdivia Director del IME*


Bien à vous, 
Morgane BRAVO

sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013

*Representantes de la Red de Talentos : en la Jornada Informativa del IME...*

La Red de Talentos compartiendo el Programa de Actividades 2003 con los Cónsules de comunidades en la SRE

Representando a la Red de Talentos Mexicanos :
participaron Annie Carrilo, Fernando Perez Lozada y Jorge Zavala, 
presentaron el programa de actividades 2013 ante los Cónsules de Comunidades del Servicio Exterior Mexicano durante la sesión informativa del IME 
dirigido por el Dr Arnulfo Valdivia...


Bien à vous,
Morgane BRAVO

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

*Entrevista especial con el nuevo titular del IME, Arnulfo Valdivia...*

"Recientemente Arnulfo Valdivia Machuca, nuevo titular del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME), realizó una visita oficial a Los Ángeles para reunirse con las organizaciones y federaciones que representan a las diversas comunidades mexicanas que viven en esta ciudad. Su agenda incluyó desde un foro comunitario en donde escuchó las inquietudes de los mexicanos radicados en el Sur de California hasta una reunión con el Consejo Consultivo del IME, en la cual se abordaron temas relacionados con los programas que permiten el avance de los mexicanos más allá de las fronteras de México.

¿Qué tipo de director espera ser para el IME?

Yo quisiera ser un director que establezca perfectamente bien cuál es el objetivo estratégico del IME, que lo ejecute y lo organice en torno a esos objetivos y que, más allá de esos programas cotidianos del día a día que gradualmente deben de ir funcionando por sí mismos, pueda ir teniendo ese contacto necesario con las comunidades para poder atender e ir retroalimentando el sistema estratégico del IME.

¿Cuáles serían los componentes de ese sistema estratégico?

Desde mi punto de vista son tres: generar condiciones para que los mexicanos en el exterior puedan acceder a un nivel de vida de calidad; segundo, generar los mecanismos para que los mexicanos en el exterior —e importantemente sus descendientes— se conviertan en agentes de desarrollo económico, político, educativo y cultural en sus lugares de residencia; y tercero, generar los mecanismos para que así, ya como agentes de desarrollo, se puedan vincular de algún modo con México.

¿Qué cambios espera que se reflejen en la vida de los mexicanos en el exterior?

Vamos a reagrupar los programas porque hay algunos que deben tener un fin estratégico. Estamos haciendo un análisis de los programas existentes para ver si se ajustan al modelo estratégico del instituto. Pero lo segundo, sería la aplicación de estos programas porque la condición de cada mexicano es totalmente distinta, ya que no solo se trata de tener programas más focalizados, sino de aplicarlos mejor donde estos tengan más impacto. El perfil de la población mexicana de los distintos lugares es diferente y hay que aplicar un menú diferente de programas.

¿Cuáles fueron los planteamientos de los grupos comunitarios con los que se reunió?

Los grupos fundamentalmente trajeron tres temas entre los cuales se cuentan los derechos políticos como credencialización, voto en el extranjero y la representación política de los mexicanos en el exterior; el segundo tema fue el de los servicios consulares, ya que hay que darle una revisada muy profunda al tema de los requisitos administrativos para expedir temas fuera de México; pero el tercer tema, su preocupación sobre las acciones precisas que va a tomar el Gobierno de México en torno a la posible reforma migratoria.

¿Cómo ayudaría el IME a los mexicanos respecto a la reforma migratoria?

Lo que puede hacer el Gobierno de México —y lo va a hacer a través del IME— es utilizar nuestra amplísima red de plazas comunitarias, por ejemplo, para concentrarnos en temas muy concretos que puedan facilitar la regularización de nuestros connacionales ante una posible reforma migratoria. Mucha de esta gente que va a estar "saliendo de las sombras" —como se ha dicho— hacia la ciudadanía, va a enfrentar una vida radicalmente distinta a la que han venido enfrentando y allí tendremos la obligación de utilizar la extensísima red de plazas comunitarias para poder prepararlos en ese sentido".

POR: Marvelia Alpízar / marvelia.alpizar@laopinion.com


Bien à vous,
Morgane BRAVO

*Dr Arnulfo Valdivia en entrevista con Telemundo 52.wmv*

El Dr. Arnulfo Valdivia, Director del Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, es entrevistado por Telemundo 52, sobre su visita a la ciudad de Los Ángeles, CA, y los diversos proyectos de éste instituto.

Bien à vous,
Morgane BRAVO

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

*Fête du Mexique à la MJC de Neuilly-sur-Seine (Paris)*

Groupe El Mariachi Anahuac

Fête du Mexique à la MJC de Neuilly-sur-Seine, 

le 12 mai 2012.